Archive for 'Sober living'

MASH MONSTER PRACTICE GripBoard Mash Monster Certification

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mash certification

It is searchable by name, region, town, zip code and type of service offered. This tool is an invaluable resource to those considering operating in the state because you can use it to better understand the market and identify holes in the state’s offerings. 29.e Documentation that resident and staff engage in community relations and interactions to promote kinship with other recovery communities and goodwill for recovery services. Resource directories, written ...

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Everything You Need to Open Your Sober Living Home in Massachusetts

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mash approved sober living

NARR’s mission is to improve access to quality recovery residences through these standards, education, and advocacy. Sober living homes in Massachusetts are certified by MASH, the Massachusetts Alliance for Sober Housing. The Massachusetts Alliance for Sober Living is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to support recovery guests throughout Massachusetts and to practice national quality standards for recovery residences. The Vanderburgh Foundation, Inc. is Drug rehabilitation ...

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Stoptober 2024: What going alcohol-free does to your body

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break from alcohol

According to American Addiction Centers, drinking increases stress in the body, which disrupts normal production and regulation of the stress hormone cortisol. Alcohol use can worsen existing anxiety and depression and = lead to new diagnoses. Cutting back can improve symptoms, including “hangxiety” – struggling with hangover-related anxiety, restless sleep, and irritability.

Take some time to explore your relationship with alcohol

break from alcohol

And even ...

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Does Drinking Alcohol Contribute to Vision Issues?

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blurry vision after drinking alcohol

While anyone can take a tumble after a few drinks, older adults are especially at risk. We’ll explore what happens inside your body when you drink, why it leads to dizziness and falls, and what you can do to stay safe. By the end, you’ll have a better Oxford House understanding of why that “one too many” could send you tumbling into the hospital.

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How To Stay Motivated In Long-Term Sobriety From 3 to 5 Years Alcohol-Free

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If stress is a trigger, visualize yourself using deep breathing or calling a support person. The more you practice these scenarios in your mind, the more natural they’ll feel in real life. Staying sober is a challenge for many people.

how to maintain sobriety

Identify High-Risk Situations

Discover how to stop phone addiction for students with effective tips to boost academic performance and mental health. Discover the inpatient drug detox definition and learn how 24-hour support ...

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Daily Sobriety Checklist: Incorporating Healthy Habits into Recovery Lantana Recovery: Addiction Treatment Rehab Center

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Second, you need to apply the steps for getting out of debt to your financial circumstances. Third, you need to create a realistic budget and live within your means. Cut unnecessary expenses and prepare your food at home. That is crucial for them to receive your letters graciously, and hopefully, those people will respect your boundaries.

It’s a healthy distraction that will put you on the path to building better, ...

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